Unhappy with a prior breast surgery? Our surgeons at the Boston Center for Plastic Surgery excel in breast revision in Boston, addressing complications such as capsular contracture or implant deflation, and restoring both form and function with precision.

Renew, Refine, Revise: Your Journey to Beautiful Breasts Starts Here

Breast revision surgery, offered at Boston Center for Plastic Surgery by the skilled hands of Dr. Sean Doherty and Dr. Vickram Tandon, is a specialized procedure designed to address and correct issues that may arise after a previous breast augmentation. Whether it's due to changes in breast appearance over time or complications, our expert surgeons bring their wealth of experience to tailor solutions that align with each patient's unique needs.

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What is Breast Revision?

At its core, breast revision involves making adjustments to prior breast surgery to enhance or modify the results. This procedure may be sought for various reasons, including:

  • Dissatisfaction with implant size
  • Changes in breast appearance over time
  • Complications such as implant malposition, rupture, or deflation
  • The desire for a different aesthetic outcome

During breast revision surgery in Boston, Dr. Doherty and Dr. Tandon utilize advanced techniques to achieve optimal results. The specific approach varies based on individual needs and concerns, offering a personalized and comprehensive solution to restore both aesthetic balance and confidence. Breast revision surgery is a transformative process that goes beyond merely correcting issues; it's about empowering individuals to achieve the breasts they envision, fostering a sense of self-assurance and beauty.

What Are the Benefits of Breast Revision?

Breast revision surgery offers numerous benefits for women who have previously undergone breast augmentation or reconstruction. Some of the key benefits of breast revision surgery in Boston include the following:

  • Correcting implant malposition or asymmetry
  • Resolving capsular contracture
  • Enhancing breast shape and symmetry
  • Replacing old implants with newer options
  • Restoring confidence and satisfaction with the appearance of the breasts
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Am I a Good Candidate for Breast Revision in Boston?

Factors that may indicate you are a good candidate for breast revision include:

  • Presence of implant-related complications such as rupture, leakage, or capsular contracture
  • Desire to change the size, shape, or type of breast implants
  • Changes in breast appearance following weight loss, pregnancy, or aging
  • Realistic expectations about the potential outcomes of breast revision surgery
  • Good overall physical and emotional health

Breast Revision Procedure

Breast revision surgery at the Boston Center for Plastic Surgery involves a comprehensive process to address and correct issues with previous breast augmentation procedures.


Your journey begins with a thorough consultation with one of our board-certified plastic surgeons. During this appointment, the surgeon will evaluate your concerns, assess the current condition of the breasts, and discuss the desired outcomes. This is your opportunity to ask questions and gain a clear understanding of the procedure.

Based on the consultation, your surgeon will create a customized surgical plan tailored to your needs. The surgical plan will be designed to achieve balanced, natural-looking results while addressing your aesthetic concerns.

Surgical procedure

We prioritize your safety and comfort above all else. This is why we conduct all breast revision procedures in our advanced outpatient surgical center. Our facility is equipped with the latest technology to ensure the highest safety and efficiency standards during your surgical experience.

The specific steps of the surgery will depend on the individual's needs and may include implant removal or replacement, correction of implant position, or reshaping of breast tissue. Our surgeons will use advanced techniques to optimize the aesthetic outcome while prioritizing patient safety and comfort.

Breast Revision Recovery

The initial days following the procedure may involve discomfort, swelling, and bruising. During this time, it is essential to:

  • Follow the prescribed pain medication regimen
  • Rest and avoid strenuous activities
  • Attend all scheduled follow-up appointments
  • Wear a supportive surgical bra as recommended
  • Maintain open communication with our medical team 

In the following weeks, gradual improvement can be expected as swelling subsides and the breasts begin to settle into their new shape. Light activities can be gradually resumed, but it's vital to continue avoiding intense physical exertion. By adhering to post-operative guidelines and maintaining open communication with our medical team, you can optimize your breast revision recovery and achieve the desired results.

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Why Choose Boston Center for Plastic Surgery for Breast Revision?

Boston Center for Plastic Surgery is committed to providing exceptional care and support throughout the entire breast revision process, from the initial consultation to the post-operative recovery. Patients can expect a high standard of care and a focus on achieving natural, beautiful results that align with their goals. With a team of skilled surgeons and a patient-centered approach, our center offers a comprehensive solution for individuals seeking breast revision surgery in Boston.

Dr. Doherty and Dr. Tandon are seasoned experts in the field of plastic surgery. Achieving breast symmetry is an art; they excel in perfecting it. Contact us today to schedule a consultation! 

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